5/18/21 Blog

  I actually went to breakfast today (I think it was the first time all term). I had Hannah Stowe come in and jump on my bed to actually get me to wake up because I knew otherwise I would just snooze my alarm until I really needed to get up. After breakfast at around 7:30 a.m. Hannah and I made our way to Slocumb. We proceeded to spend most of the day in that room along with some of our other friends. I am currently focusing all of my attention on the painting of the street in Israel. I have been having some difficulty knowing where to start and what to paint – that has been the most challenging part of painting from a reference photo with impressionism in mind. After a full day spent in the studio, Hannah and I were able to get Corby to let us into the studio again at 8:30. It sounds like Corby is alright with repeating this every night, which I will probably be needing because I am already starting to stress. I am not sure why but I thought that I had about 12 days left, but Hannah made me realize that I only have just over a week left… How am I going to finish my projects!? So, yeah, now I am a little stressed out but it is ok because I am just going to crank out these paintings as fast as I can. Overall today was again very productive and I was able to log about 7 hours of art. 


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